Starting a Business?

Starting a new business can be a big undertaking. There are many decisions that must be made quickly which will affect your business’s future.  It can be tempting to incorporate on your own, but by doing so, you run the risk of making a choice that can negatively impact you down the road. Dana Stone…

Do you have a valid will?

Death is something that no one wants to think about, but something everyone will eventually have to deal with. Many people say, “I don’t need a will, because I don’t have much property, and I just want everything to go to my spouse/child.” This line of thinking fails to account for many contingencies and has…

Do you owe money to the IRS?

Getting a letter from the IRS demanding money for back-taxes is scary. The IRS has an incredible amount of power with regard to your assets. They can garnish your paycheck directly and even put a lien on your home. If you find yourself in this situation, fortunately you have some options. Depending on your income,…

Have you received a traffic ticket?

North Carolina has some of the most punitive traffic laws in the United States. Although it may seem easier to pay off a ticket, doing so often has expensive insurance consequences which last for up to three years. Hiring an attorney ensures the best possible outcome for your traffic ticket, including a minimization of any…

Have you Been Arrested?

The criminal justice system in our country is massive and complicated. As such, it can be an overwhelming experience for a person who has been accused of a crime. When you are charged with a criminal offense, it is you against the State of North Carolina and all of its resources. Be that as it…

Have you been hurt in a car accident?

When you are involved in an accident that is not your fault, you will be quickly contacted by a claims adjuster from the at-fault party’s insurance company. They have extensive training and experience in two basic objectives: to settle your claim as quickly as possible while paying you as little as possible for your injuries….